Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Features Of Effective Navigation In Web Design Service

Navigation is one of the integral aspects in web designing service. With mediocre graphics and customary designing elements easy-to-navigate websites win better credibility among the targeted visitors. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss certain basic features of effective navigation in web design service.

It's Visitor First The core principle of user-friendly navigation is that the design should be in accordance to the visitors' convenience. Do not prioritize on the look and feel of the website and sacrifice the navigation for it. Avoid using your industry jargons or classification titles as in the navigation bars, as this might drive away your visitors.

Navigation is the tool that helps the visitors to explore the entire website and it is astute navigation designing technique that might empower your credibility and entice your end-users.

Provide Multiple Options for Navigation Every single visitor has his own way of surfing a website and therefore it is wise to provide multiple navigation options for the targeted visitors. This will enable the visitors to navigate through the website at their ease.

Don't Leave Visitors in Blank Navigation of a webpage should provide a clear idea to the visitors about the exact location in the webpage. Simply think of a situation: you have just landed in a new city and need to reach the destination with the help of a map. At such scenario, a hand-drawn map might be the right guide to take you to your destination and you need a proper map lay-out to contemplate your present position and discover the roads to reach your destination. This fundamental is also applicable in navigation design.

Navigation History Providing navigation history to help the visitors keep track of the pages they have previously is another key thing. Your website's navigation should preferably appear in hypertext rather than graphical form. Hypertext actually changes the color of links that have already been clicked. While purple is the standard color for the clicked ones, blue is the hypertext color of the non-clicked ones. You need to keep more of navigation in the hypertext to help the users know the places which have been already navigated.

Do Not Mislead As an entrepreneur, you should never ask the visitors to perform something that seems difficult or impossible to them. For instance, never lead them to false navigation paths, or make them fill up the web-form same as the length of full-grown Anaconda or ask them to fill in their ancestral details. Do not annoy the visitors by allowing those pop-ups to appear on the screens or use distracting colors and animations in the WebPages. The rule of thumb is to follow a minimalist and simplest approach and craft a lay-out that not only appeases the visitors visually as well as enrich their experience.

Navigation can be simple as well as complex and it varies from one website to the other. There are no preset rules for organizing the navigation as it will vary as per the functional needs and requirements of the site. As a matter of fact, designing the navigation is an art in itself, and the web designers actually develop their skills after gaining experience.

Providing Good User Experience   The Responsive Web Design   Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   PSD to OsCommerce: Fuelling Better Ecommerce Websites   Factors To Be Incorporated By A Website Design Company   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   

How to Build an Online Store: Leading Online Shoppers to the Checkout in 60 Seconds

The 3-second Rule

In building your own ecommerce website, make sure you get a good first impression from your hard-earned visitors. You know very well that you have spent a lot of time and marketing budget in order for you to get a visitor for your website; you might as well make a good impression to get a good business going.

• Website Download Speed

Is your website loading too slow, fast, or just good enough? Online shoppers are known to be in a hurry and according to one research at Jupiter Research: users having a fast online connection only wait two to four seconds for an ecommerce website to load. If your online store loads too slowly, chances are fat that your customers will have a bad impression on your site and may not continue to browse your pages.

• Shoppers can Clearly Understand what You are Selling Them

The good use of colors and graphic designs promote a clearer visual idea to shoppers that they can already tell what you are selling them in the first three seconds-making them convinced that they are in the right place or not. Capture their attention in the header graphic designs that make them want to proceed to the next step in online shopping right away.

Maintaining that Good First Impression

• Doors to Landing Pages in the Home Page

Sliding images in the top fold and just below the header to promote sale, discounts, and new items in store are used as doors to landing pages and product pages as they are linked to them. Also, the website navigation menu that links to the products pages is also gateways for online shoppers to reach to the products that they want. The Search Tool is also another doorway to reach a specific product right away as they can readily type a product or brand name and reach to the individual shopping pages. Once in the landing page, online shoppers can readily use the online shopping cart or the checkout button for a great shopping experience.

• Online Shopping Cart

There are many shopping cart software solutions that are available today. The one that stands out is the one that provides online users the best kind of information and usability in the most organized way possible. The products pages should have images of the actual products available with its brand name, product name, product code, and price. Users should be able to go to the individual product pages to get more information about the products they are interested in. The shopping cart aids the online shoppers in the shopping process by allowing users to edit the quantity of goods, choose the color they like (if there are color variations), choose the size of the product, and place the item inside the cart while they continue shopping.

• Checkout Process

When online shoppers are ready to checkout, they should be given the complete details on how much they are supposed to pay including shipping fees and taxes. Flexible modes of payment are also necessary as this allow shoppers to pay via the method in which they are most comfortable with. Related products and services should also be presented in the checkout process as this will shoot up your sales in a day. However, you need to keep them less distracting for your clients by way of placing them below the payment button and in gallery type.

Providing Good User Experience   The Responsive Web Design   Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   Why Learn WordPress and Some Tips on Getting Started   

What You Should Do First Before Putting Up Your Website

As a WordPress website designer I get quite a few clients that need me to either build their site for them (not having a site to begin with) or update their current website (give their site a makeover). My number one question to my clients is always what will be the purpose of your site. It's sad to say but most people get stumped when I ask this question. Their response is usually "So I can make money" or " I was told I need a web presence". These are all pretty okay answers when you are just starting out, but in order for you to really succeed on the web you must define the purpose of your website. How can you give me directions if you don't know your destination?

Where Would You like to Go?

Have you ever jumped in a cab to go to a friend house only to realize that you really don't know that area? And the worst part is your cab driver doesn't now either. I don't take cabs much anymore and that's because every single cab I get into the driver has no clue as to where I need to go. I can give him the address but he still doesn't know what I'm talking about. Well good thing we have GPS systems now right? No!! Whatever happened to the cab drivers that are so familiar with the area that they can get you there and your total cost will be $5 as oppose to $25 because we needed to follow the GPS. The worst part is if you are not familiar with where you are going you can be literally around the corner from your destination but spend more and more time (which add up to money) trying to get to the other side of the street (Yes this has happened to me and I was very frustrated). So as the driver of your business it is very important that you share with your web designer what it is you would like your site to do for you?

How to figure out your destination?

Most of my clients are completely baffled when I ask them the purpose of their site and because of this I ask them a few questions that help me to give them the proper design based on their needs and these answers also provides clarity for them when it comes to developing their marketing plan.

Below are a list of questions that you should ask yourself prior to building your site or prior to giving it a makeover

What Kind of site am I building? - Is this an online store, blog, or a membership site. You may have all these components in your site but it's important for your web designer to know upfront so it doesn't cost you more when you make changes later on. What are the goal(s) for my site? - Depending on your industry you may need your site to do one thing or a few things. The amount of subscribers or followers may be important to you. Having people comment on your blog post may be important. Or making sure people know that you know your sh(oops) stuff. Or all of the above. Whatever it is it's important to know so that your sight can be successful at getting the results you need. What do you want your site to say about you, your business, and/or your brand? - When people come to your site what do you want them to grasp from visiting, how do you want them to respond? Who is your site for? - Keep in mind your audience. Are they moms, professionals, business owners? Are they creative people or technical. Knowing your audience and their needs can help you build a site that is user friendly and easy to navigate (two important concepts for your website).

Action Step:

If you are looking to create a website or already have one take some time to go through these questions and think about the purpose of your site. Then I want you to ask yourself this one questions "Does your site reflect it's purpose?" Come back here and comment below so we can engage in a conversation. You never know, one of you may be picked for a free site review.

Providing Good User Experience   The Responsive Web Design   Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   Websites Are Effective Marketing Tools For Tradesmen   

Web Design And Domain Names

Have you ever heard about famous people having to buy their own names to get a website? It happens all the time. As soon as a wannabe celebrity gets noticed, some enterprising person will purchase all of the domain names that could be associated with that person's name. Then when that celebrity wants to get their own website, they have to buy their name - usually at an inflated cost.

ARE YOU FAMOUS? Now, this only works if you're famous. For instance, if you type in "General Motors", one of the top results will be the official GM website. If you type in "Barack Obama" or "Mitt Romney", one of the first sites you'll see listed is the official one.

However, if you are not famous, there is no point in using your name, or the name of your company, as your domain name. That's because nobody will look for you - it's just a fact. If you WANT a domain name all your own for the fun of it, that's one thing. But, most people developing a web site are doing it to make money, and that means customers have to find you. That means you have to get a domain name that people look for.

WHAT DO YOUR CUSTOMERS WANT? What do you sell? If you sell services, what are the most trafficked keywords for those services? THOSE are the domain names you need to pursue. So if you are an exterminator in the San Francisco Bay area, look for domain names using keywords based on that service: pest control San Francisco Bay, exterminators San Francisco Bay, San Francisco Bay pest control, tec. Chances are, most of them have been bought. However, if you'll go to an online domain auction, you can often find the domain names you want. Domain registries will have many domains that are sitting dormant. After a period of time, if the owner doesn't do anything with the domain, the registrar will auction off the name.

You may have to pay a little more for an auctioned domain, but it will make a big difference in your traffic.

CONSIDER MULTIPLES Is there commonly a plural and a singular of your service? For example: exterminator San Francisco Bay, exterminators San Francisco Bay. You may want to have more than one domain name, and link them all to your website. You can really get tangled up in this, so don't stress over it. But, you may want to get a domain name in your company's name, too, just to be sure that when someone DOES type in your company name, they get your website. So, when they type in "XYZ Exterminators", or San Francisco Bay exterminators, they go to the same place.

CONSIDER MULTIPLE EXTENSIONS You may also want all three of the international extensions: ".com", ".net", and ".org". If yours is a strictly commercial site, this may be unnecessary. Most people automatically type in the ".com" extension, However, if your site will have ".net" or ".org" development, you need to be prepared for that.

Care with your domain names is vital for successful web design. Don't be afraid to spend a little money on this one.

Providing Good User Experience   The Responsive Web Design   Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   Grow Your Businesses Revenue From Having A Mobile Website   Communication Is Key: Be Honest With Your Website Designer   

What Should You Learn About How To Start A Blog?

Many people today have heard that starting a blog is a good way to attract attention to their website, but some people just don't know how to start a blog correctly. They set up a blog through some of the free blogging platforms, like WordPress or BlogSpot, but they are frustrated because there is no quality traffic finding it. Sales are not reflecting the effort put into posting frequently to the site. Do you really know the best way to start a blog?

Not everyone understands how to create a blog that is optimized for success, and that is what this article is intended to address. Sit back, relax, it's not your fault. You just need to acquire the skills needed to get this done right, and then you will see some success. We all start out something new with something to learn, so consider this a place to get the information you need to get started on the right foot.

The first thing you have to do is identify the keywords that your targeted audience is using when they search. Google has a free keyword tool, and it will help you find some great keywords. Keywords are described as being a reference point from which you can find information pertaining to something you are looking for. People type keywords into the search bar on browsers to locate things they are interested in. the right keywords will have them coming to your site more often.

As you are learning to create a successful blog, you will notice that Google's keyword tool will also make suggestions for other keywords that you might want to use. An example of that would be if you typed in "blogging" into the tool you will probably find other options such as "free blogs" and "make a blog" or "how to create a blog."

As you locate quality keywords to use on your blog, the next step is to include those keywords in an article and post it on your blog. Then turn that post into an article and submit it to numerous article directories with a link to the blog you have created in the resource box.

One more thing that you should know about how to start a blog is that posting videos on your blog is another great way to attract attention to your site. Videos rank better on Google, and by wisely selecting the keywords it is possible to be found on the front page.

The more people finding their way to your blog means better chances for you to sell more products, and that is a joyful thing.

Providing Good User Experience   The Responsive Web Design   Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Professional Web Design - Strategies for Building an Online Business   

User Experience Is the Key to Attain a Perfect Graphic Design

Tried booking a movie ticket online? Now just try and recall the entire experience. Take for an instance: you logon to BookmyShow.com, select the region, movie and date. Next, you select the cinema hall and particular show time. Choose the desired class and quantity of tickets you want to purchase. Then you'll proceed to seat selection. You would proceed to making payment thereafter. This page would give you the list of exciting offers on some of the credit card purchase.

So, if you are using any of the listed credit cards, you can grab a deal to save a sum of money. Once you make the payment, you get the instant ticket confirmation (via an e-mail and a text message on your mobile phone) and then you checkout.

The entire process revolves around creating an exciting and a pleasant user experience. Talking about the above mentioned example, what makes you remember this experience?Well, it is certainly the ability of your memory that enables you memorize things, events, experiences... and things get registered in our memory in as quickly as 2-3 seconds.

So that means once a user visits your website, you have only 2-3 seconds to impress the user at the first instance. Also, we may not be able to remember everything bit-by-bit. We certainly remember things in bits and pieces which when joined together become an experience.

Ok, now the question is what are the essentials of enhancing the user experience?

1. Page design

A simple yet attractive design is an ever green formula to entice your users. Your website should not be cluttered with any unwanted element. It should simple and informative for the end users.

2. Out-of-the-box

Modern users are always keen to accept something new and exciting which they've never seen or experienced earlier. Just focus on the "WOW" element. An immediate expression of wow can help you steal the show.

3. Alignment of proper graphics and text

Both the text and graphics should be aligned so as to make the page as presentable as possible. Also, selection of the words should be in lines with the expectations of the users i.e. words and phrases that the users can relate themselves with.

4. Story Telling

Just like any story, focus on the beginning and the end of the story while paying importance to the main highlights. Talking in terms of the website, there should be an element of attention at the top and bottom of the web page. And the USPs and other call-to-actions should be highlighted.

A great website is all about offering great user experience. And a perfect graphic web design depends on how well you marry the above mentioned factors in your design structure.

Providing Good User Experience   The Responsive Web Design   Designing and Creating Effective Landing Pages   7 Navigation System Elements Your Website Should Have   Hire Java Developers With Experience in Top 10 Java Frameworks   

Auction Storage Units and How They Work

It seems that everyone in North America is extremely excited about auctions of storage units and how they can learn more about them. With the popularity of the cable television shows such as "Storage Wars", people can see themselves making money the same way and finding hidden treasures in some storage unit somewhere. It can be a very addictive business, but there are some things that you need to learn about it before trying to strike it rich.

First of all, the auction of storage units business has been around for a long time, but it's only been recently that it has sprung to the forefront. The main bidders in this industry in the past have been small time thrift store owners that are always in need of new "used" items to place in their shop. Without keeping their shelves stocked up, they will soon be out of business. These owners have found throughout the years that auctions of storage units are one of the best ways to find new goods.

These seasoned pros really know their business, and they can usually tell pretty quickly what the resale value of an item is with just a quick look. Some of these people specialize in small items that fit easily on store shelves, and others might specialize in second hand clothing. There are other bidders who have come to realize the true value of the internet and try to buy these storage units to place the contents up on eBay, Amazon, or some other reseller website.

There is good money to be made in the auctions of storage units industry, but you really should get some training before you try your hand at bidding against these experienced veterans. There are many good online courses out there that you can purchase or download in the privacy of your home and learn the ropes so to speak before risking your hard earned money.

A person who knows the resale value of an item quickly with just a quick glance has the upper hand over a rookie bidder. At an auction of this type, the storage unit management will cut the lock off right in front of everyone, and then they allow the potential bidders to walk by the opening and look into the unit, possibly with just a few seconds or a minute to see if you would like to bid on it. They will then start the bidding and the sale will happen fairly quickly from there. The new owner must pay in cash directly after the bidding, and also must clear the storage unit out within a couple of days or so.

Being able to judge what the value of a unit is with just a precursory glance can tell you how high to go in the bidding process. Others may try to bid the price up with no intent on buying it, but if you have a limit in mind then you won't go over your budget and overspend. This is the same as with any business, always have an end game in mind and know what you can spend.

Some bidders like to bring a truck or trailer with them to auctions in case they find a good unit and win the bid. They can start searching through the unit directly after they win it and see if it was a good buy. The auction of storage units business can be very exciting and lucrative, but make sure to get the proper training first up front before getting caught up in the heat of the moment with the bidding process.

Best Tips on How to Use eBay to Make Money Online   What Are Some Good Ways To Make Money On eBay?   Four eBay Money Making Ideas   More People Are Now Shopping At Online Auction Sites   Viral Drop Shipping - Generating More Income From Online Business   

Double Glazing And UPVC Windows Providing Multiple Benefits

What exactly is double glazing and why do we need it most people on a budget ask? Well double glazing is the name for windows that are made up of two panes of glass or other transparent material with an air space between them. This dead air space acts as an excellent insulator in many ways, from noise reduction to air transference. It will keep the home cool during summer and warm during winter by keeping the temperature even or as specified by your heating control. These panes are usually either 28 or 24mm in width. All much larger windows are available and are made to measure.

UPVC is the most common type of double glazing unit and stands for Un-plasticised Poly Vinyl Chloride and is very resilient. This is used because it does not rot or decompose; it is weather resistant and retains its shape in moderate temperatures. It does not flake and will not need painting. It can also be reshaped in very high temperatures so it is recyclable into the same or other objects. Recycled double glazed window and doors units though are dull in appearance and are susceptible to dirt and easily discolour. Once this happens it will not be able to be cleaned back to brilliant white and will stay looking worn out.

All double glazed windows are not the same and the quality is reflected in the price. This is because of new advances every year and perfecting technology within the industry. Also new glass coatings are being created all the time to something now that hardly needs cleaning. This type of low maintenance glass is ideal for high windows and conservatory roofs.

There is also a difference in double glazing units depending on what you require. If noise reduction is needed because of living near a busy road, railway or construction then a compromise is needed if you would prefer to reduce heat loss. Some expensive units offer both but secondary double glazing is ideal for both these problems as the air space between the panes can be made larger. The best distance between the two panes of glass is 4mm.

Also composite double glazed doors will add more security than just replacing the windows. Conservatories are an added space and between your building and added rooms are internal doors that can also be locked. Made from hardwood or UPVC, folding or sliding doors are increasingly used to replace traditional internal, patio or traditional French doors. The doors that also link a conservatory to your home can have flush fitting thresholds at floor level and this eliminates the conventional 'step over' and can be sunk into brickwork.

Double Glazing And UPVC Windows Providing Multiple Benefits   Double Glazing And UPVC Windows Providing Multiple Benefits   

How to Play Links Golf

When sheep huddled in hollows of sandy linksland to shelter from freezing North Sea winds off the coast of Scotland, the first golf bunkers were created. When roaming livestock grazed on the tough links grasses man saw an opportunity to mark out hard running greens and fairways for a new sport called golf.

To this day, playing links golf - in Scotland and Ireland - or at one of the prestigious venues for the Open Championship, is the dream golf tour. Many golfers travel from all over the world on a pilgrimage to the world's best links golf courses.

If you've never battled strong sea breezes, or aimed down a fairway lined by gorse bushes you'll probably feel you are playing a different game.

Global Golfer's editor Matthew Moore, a one handicap golfer, lived in St Andrews for four years and devoted himself to learning the art of links golf.

Here is a practical guide to playing links golf.

Learn to knuckle the ball off the tee

Fairways at links courses can be narrow and lined by gorse (a hard dense prickly shrub), pot bunkers and thick tall rough fescue grasses.

When the wind blows hard, it's difficult to keep the ball in play and out of trouble, especially if you are used to driving the ball high through the air with a lot of spin and shape.

To play links courses well you need to drive the ball low and straight, under the wind, with less spin so that it lands and runs down the fairways.

You can do this by hitting the "knuckle ball" with your driver. This shot creates a low top spinning flight that releases and runs on landing.

Here's how:

· Tee the ball low, quite tight to the turf

· Choke right down on the grip

· Address the ball out of the middle of your stance

· Stack 60% of your weight on your left side

· Swing with a three quarter length at a smooth tempo, resisting the temptation to hit the ball hard and focusing on making a sweet strike

Remember, as with all full shots in the wind, the harder you hit the ball the more spin you create and the higher you will hit it, exposing it to the wind.

The knuckle ball drive will be shorter than your usual drives, but will make up for it by running on the hard links fairways. Best of all, it's accurate and great for beating the wind and keeping the ball on short grass rather than in the gorse - which almost certainly equals a penalty drop.

Play with Punch not Ego

It's not unusual to find yourself facing a shot of 125 yards into a tiny raised up green with a gale force wind blowing into your face. This is when you have to leave your ego behind, forget you hit gap wedge 130 yards if you swing full out, and play smart by choosing a much longer club and punching it to keep the flight down and reduce spin.

To play links golf well, you have to accept you will sometimes hit a 4-iron from 140 yards or an 8-iron when you only have 85 yards left. You do this by playing the punch shot - the links golfer's best friend.

To punch the shot means to play with a shorter backswing, de-lofting the club for a lower flight and using your forearms and body together to shorten your follow through and punch aggressively through the ball at impact.

Top tips for punch shots:

· Grip down the shaft

· Position the ball further back in your stance towards your right foot

· Move your hands slightly further ahead of the ball

· Shift 65% of your weight onto your left side

· Swing ¾ length and punch through the shot with a shortened follow through below shoulder height

The lower the flight the less likely it is to be affected by the wind.

Make adjustments for the ball flying in lower and aim to land it short of the flagstick and allow it to run out towards the hole.

Practical Putting

If you usually play on inland golf courses or at golf resorts, you probably use your lob wedge and your sand wedge most when chipping around the green, throwing the ball high and landing it soft.

At a links courses the strong winds can buffet the ball from the shortest of distances and make accurate chipping difficult. Also, it's rare to find thick rough around a links green, the most common hazards are bunkers, run offs, bank sides and hollows, which makes it possible to put the wedge away and use the putter from off the green.

At The Open Championship you will have seen top professionals putting from 25 yards off the green with great results. This is because putting from off the green is one of the best short game choices you can make on a links. The fairways are usually extremely tight making nipping the ball off the hard turf a precise skill - and it's easy to thin, blade or skull the shot.

Your worst putt will always be better than your worse chip, so look at the slope and undulation of the land, be practical and use your putter to get the ball up and down.

Bump and Run makes the game fun

You will have heard about the Scottish bump and run or seen it played. This low flying shot lands short of the green or just on the green and rolls out towards the hole like a putt.

If you have nothing between yourself and the flag then the bump and run is a brilliant option because once it lands it starts to behave like a putt and can track towards the hole. Links greens can be undulating and sloping and so landing a high chip or pitch onto a hard downslope can cause inconsistent bounces and erratic results.

How to bump and run:

· Address the ball off the right foot

· Use anything from a five iron to a 9-iron

· Weight 70% on the left side

· Sternum ahead of the ball

· Heads ahead of the ball, club sitting upright

· Make a putting stroke and hit crisply down into the back off the ball

· Pick a spot just on the green to land it and let it run towards the hole

Lie of the land

A caddie at The Old Course at St Andrews, Turnberry or Troon would tell you that it takes time to get to know the subtleties and nuances of links land and learn the bounce of the ball. Often slopes and natural features can funnel the ball towards the hole, squeeze extra yards from a drive or prevent a ball from going in a hazard.

Buying a yardage chart and studying the contours and slopes of each hole is a good idea but you can't beat being alert and observant when you are playing the course. Watch how partners balls bounce, look at sloping fairways and anticipate if you need to play to the right for a kick to the left.

Sometimes on a links the last place you will aim is the flag, because you might need to hit it 30 yards right to catch a shoot that funnels the ball left to the hole.

Hybrid Heaven

The worst thing you can do when playing links golf in a wind is hit hard onto the back of the ball with a steep swing squeezing the ball up into the air and applying backspin to it. The shot will balloon and the wind will exaggerate the spin forcing it into trouble.

A good way to get around this is to have a number of hybrid clubs or utility clubs to pick from. By using a hybrid with a shallower flatter swing you can pick the ball off the top of the grass and sweep it towards the target.

It's easier to hit lower shots that have less spin and are more accurate by hitting hybrids rather than trying to drive down hard on long irons.

Make the wind your friend

The chances are that it will be windy on your links golf tour. It's vital you make the wind your friend not your foe. The easiest way is to play with the wind rather than against it. Instead of trying to cut a three iron into a right to left wind, take a 5-iron and aim further right allowing the ball to ride the wind. It's the same with a driver, cutting a ball into a right to left wind can take fully 80-yards off your tee shot, but, set up for a right to left draw and aim further right can result in big drives and simpler second shots.

Use the wind to your advantage and remember the harder you hit, the higher it flies and the stronger the effect on the ball and its spin.

Take your medicine in Bunkers

Our final tip for playing links golf is to be able to take your medicine and play safe when you find yourself in bunkers. Have you heard of the "Sands of Nakijima"?, more commonly called the "Road Hole" bunker at the 17th on The Old Course at St Andrews.

It's typical of the deep pot bunkers with riveted faces common on the links courses of Scotland, Ireland and Wales. I mention it here because it's a classic example of how a round can come unstuck when a golfer tries to execute a miracle recovery from a deep bunker. If you aren't at least 90% certain you can clear the lip don't risk duffing it into a riveted face and having it drop straight down into an even worse spot.

It's no shame to play out sideways or even backwards from a links pot bunker if it means you can save a bogey or even better stop yourself making a quad or scoring in double figures.

Opt for the conservative shot that will guarantee you have at least a chance of a reasonable score - if you don't you might find a bunker named after you.

Once again, here's the short version of Global Golfer's top-tips for playing Links Golf.

· Knuckle ball your drives

· Play with punch not ego

· Be practical putt from off the green

· Bump and run to make the game fun

· Learn the lie of the land

· Hybrids are heavenly on the links

· Make the wind your friend

· Take your medicine in the bunkers

Golf Breaks in Spain - Tee Off in the Sun   Golf Breaks in Spain - Tee Off in the Sun   

Stay Out of Court! Avoid Litigation And Resolve Disputes Quickly, Efficiently, And Economically

Worried about getting sued? It's a legitimate fear, and you might think that your first line of defense is to own your assets in judgment-proof entities. That's a valid and recommended strategy, but even though ownership is an important element of an effective asset protection plan, the best way to avoid paying judgments, along with substantial legal fees, is to avoid disputes and the often-resulting lawsuits. Attorney Andrew A. Caffey offers step-by-step advice in Stay Out of Court! The Small Business Guide to Preventing Disputes and Avoiding Lawsuit Hell (Entrepreneur Press, 2005).

Caffey begins with a look at what he calls the civil lawsuit, sue-for-profit industry and its complex financial impact. He writes: "Business and professionals take the brunt of punishment in this out-of-control civil litigation game. The fear of being sued has invaded every aspect of our people's lives."

Of course, getting sued doesn't necessarily mean you'll end up in court--in fact, chances are you won't. According to Caffey: "Statistically, the vast majority of lawsuits never make it to trial. Estimates suggest that 90 to 95 percent of court filings are resolved, dismissed, abandoned, or settled without getting to a final judgment by the finder of fact (either the judge or a jury)." But you don't have to go to court to spend a bundle on legal fees and other costs.

Caffey blames the proliferation of lawsuits on what he calls victimhood and a culture that has shifted away from personal responsibility and accountability. It follows that if someone is a victim, then someone else should be punished and made to pay.

The solution, Caffey believes, begins with improving relationships through communication and conflict resolution. He says the first step in resolving a conflict is to take a "we" not "you vs. me" attitude. The next step is to put the conflict in perspective by reframing it in context with your overall relationship with the other person. Next, Caffey recommends gentle confrontation, which uses non-threatening questioning and active listening to enable the parties to share their views of the conflict. Identify the other side's needs and locate your overlapping shared needs. Then you are in a position to find mutually beneficial solutions, reach a settlement, and put that settlement in writing.

Caffey says you should never totally turn a dispute over to an attorney for handling: "The moment when one party to a dispute yields direct involvement and puts the dispute into the hands of the lawyers is the moment when the lawsuit happens." Stay personally involved in the dispute to make sure your best interests are being considered and protected.

The sound advice on negotiating Caffey offers can be used for more than avoiding litigation--the techniques can be applied to all relationships and situations. For example, he recommends saying "yes" whenever possible, but if necessary, qualify the "yes" with an "if." Caffey writes: "Using the big IF in negotiating is an important habit to develop. It allows you to say yes, but it is always qualified. It says, 'I am willing to give on this point, but I want you to give something back to me for it.'"

Caffey offers excellent advice on how to use contracts to stay out of court and explains various dispute resolution processes, along with suggestions on providing warnings, notices, and cautions. He also explains how to apologize without accepting liability.

Using layman's terms and sense of humor, Caffey has written a book that entertains while it delivers some of the most valuable asset protection and personal relationship advice you'll ever receive.

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The Importance of Scrapbook Supplies

You want to start with the basic supplies needed. Then I will go into other supplies that will make scrapbooking more creative and will give you more options on what you can do when scrapbooking.

Basic Supplies

a. Scrapbook album: You need to decide on what size of scrapbook album you are going to use when you start a scrapbook project. This will affect the size of paper you will need and a few other supplies.

b. Album pages, paper, and card stock: It is very important to make sure that all paper products you use are acid-free and lignin-free, this will help protect your photos from decomposing. You will use these types of papers for your background, matting, and decorating your pages.

c. Adhesives: There are tons of different types of adhesives out there; double-sided tape, glue sticks, glue pens, adhesive dots, foam adhesive dots, etc. I think it is best for everyone to try a few different kinds to decide what works best for you. The adhesive can also be chosen depending on what materials and your layout pages.

d. Blade paper cutter: The paper cutter is most likely going to be one of your most used tools. It makes cutting perfectly straight easy. This paper cutter has a blade that is pulled from the top to the bottom of a photo or paper for a precise cut. There is a ruler attached to the straightedge, which also makes measuring much easier.

e. Page protectors: These are sleeves that you will have or put in your album to protect your finished pages.

f. Pens, and markers: There are tons of pens and markers to choose from, they vary in purpose and width of point. You want to make sure that they are also acid-free and waterproof.

More supplies

a. Corner clipping scissors and punches: These are used to make the corners of your pages decorative.

b. Decorative-edged scissors: These scissors are used to cut decorative designs on paper, card stock or photos. You will find that there are endless designs to choose from.

c. Die-cuts: These are punched-out designs that come in the heavier paper or card stock. A number of shapes, designs, and words are available.

d. Sticker lettering: These are great to use on any or all pages if you have trouble with your own handwriting. You can find letter in very many different sizes and colors to go with any project.

e. Stickers: There is an endless variety of stickers to use as accents on any scrapbook page. You can find stickers for any hobby, sport, pets, etc.

These are most of the supplies that you will be using to scrapbook, but depending on your style or creativity you may have many more. Some people use anything from house hold knick-knacks to things like buttons and ribbons. The more you scrapbook the more you will find you can use and do with different types of supplies.

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Got a Great Idea for a Movie? You Could Make Millions

You've seen one or two bad movies in your time, right? And you've told your date, "I could do better than that." Your instincts are probably right.

You already know Hollywood seems locked into making the same tired, old plots, over and over. But you have an idea for a better movie rolling around inside your brain.

Well, here's opportunity knocking.

A former Hollywood executive is willing to make your screenplay into a movie if you're the winner of a winner-take-all competition. John Hart, former vice-president for BrightStar Productions, has founded an independent studio in Oregon, a state that is now known as "Hollywood North," and he's ready to make the winning idea into a movie.

The competition is called MakeMyScreenplay and it's the only one of its kind. The winner gets his or her script made into a feature-length movie, and here's the best part: the winner also gets fifty-percent (50%) of all revenue generated from theatrical, televison, and DVD sales.

What kind of money are we talking about here?

Well, "Blair Witch Project," a low-budget independent movie, made outside of Hollywood, grossed $140,530,114 dollars in the U.S., according to the Internet Movie Database. Another recent independent hit also made outside of Hollywood, "Napoleon Dynamite," grossed $44,540,956 in the U.S.

Can you write something like that? Or better? If you can, MakeMyScreenplay will make the movie, and you'll get half the money.

Writing a screenplay isn't that difficult. The format is a breeze to follow. What you really need is a good idea and some screenwriting software, and the will to finish it. Make it a group project. Get your whole family involved.

The rules are pretty simple and you can see them all at [http://www.MakeMyScreenplay.com]. You aren't eligible if you've already won before, or you have a produced theatrical or television movie.

The winning script will be shot in Oregon in High-Definition format, with Sony's new high-definition camera, the HVR-Z1U, and we'll edit it, add music and sound effects, and send you a DVD when it's done. Then we'll show it off to the world. Neither of make any money unless we get it sold somewhere, right?

So enough whining about the bad movies you've seen. Do something about it. Write your own and we'll make it. Check out the details at www.MakeMyScreenplay.com [http://www.MakeMyScreenplay.com], and good luck with your script! We're looking forward to reading it.

Contest Advice for Screenplay Writers   Got a Great Idea for a Movie? You Could Make Millions   

Social Networking Makes Everyone A Better Marketer

You make the most of a social network when you know how it works. With the advent of each new platform we all have to learn new skills. Sometimes that skill is how to get our marketing message into 140 characters; for others the challenge is to turn a work-oriented message into a picture. In both cases, that change in perspective, that change in how we present the story of a product's benefit, makes each of us a better marketer. So, while it is annoying to have to stop doing business as usual and learn a new set of skills, it does make us more skilled in the long run.

When Facebook opened up to the adult community at large, businesses had to learn how to share their story in a friendly way. Facebook, after all, is the ultimate "friend management system". In the same way that you cannot be in sales mode at a cocktail party, neither can you on Facebook without becoming a pariah and getting stuck in the corner. Alone!

When Twitter came along, suddenly we had only 140 characters to present a pitch, and that had to leave room for the url or link. Just pitching did not work there either. Once again, we had to learn how to share the information - the marketing message - in a solution-oriented way that was helpful as opposed to matter-of-fact or authoritative. That is not to say that authority posts don't work on Twitter; they do... in short supply. Otherwise, you can across as a dictator not anyone people want to follow and engage with. Since business is not transacted on Twitter, you have to connect and engage in order to get a prospect OFF Twitter and into a place - virtual or brick and mortar - where a transaction can take place.

Now we have Pinterest and the new challenge is to say everything you would in an article or blog post or commercial in one single image. It is quite the struggle! A fine competition for those who understand about the emotional pull of imagery; an unfathomable, insurmountable quest for any wordsmith who has always painted with beautiful phrasing and just the right adjective or adverb to express the point succinctly and with full impact!

Google+ is a contender for improving our marketing skill simply because of its owner. Google is all about search. So, your interaction on Google+ tells Google what kinds of things interest you more than others, and who you know. Therein, it makes assumptions about the kinds of search results you will find more useful. Those are what it returns to you first. This can save you huge amounts of time, or simply skew your data in a way that you would prefer not to see. Since we all know this is what Google is doing, it is up to you to decide how to play this card.

As you can see, social networking has had far more impact on how we do business online than it might appear on the surface. Facebook softened our messaging and made us more friendly. Twitter made us concise. Pinterest is forcing us to tell our stories in pictures and Google+ reminds us to be more than a one trick pony.

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Email Signature - What's the Message That You Are Sending to Your List?

Open your email inbox. What's at the bottom of each email message. Usually, there's some sort of link such as a link to be removed from your list or just a signature with a name.

Now you might have a personal email address for family and another for business only. What I'm talking about one for your business contact.

So the other day, I opened my inbox and what did I see... about 9 messages waiting for me (hey, that rhymes) This is my usual morning ritual after my workout and eating breakfast.

Anyways, absolutely no one, except for one email contact, used the bottom area for professional email signature area effectively.

I while back I didn't quite understand the point, other than you signing off with a name. Mine said "my name" and that was it but as I got involved with more companies and contacted vendor whom I was doing business with, this became apparently more important than ever.

You're signature can be view many times over the year. When you send out daily emails, say 10-30 a day depending on your profession, your passive message goes out quietly, working for you. That's a ton of messages over a typical 250 days a year worked.

What's the message that you are sending to your list?

Is yours the same way? You could have listed something that communicated a meaningful quote you held close to you, company promotion or even a meaningful quote. Using embed images such as v-cards. How about using a v-card at the bottom that could work too.

Example I would place are:

-Name -Your tag line or full title -Your company name -Your mailing address -Your fax number -Your best email address -Your blog/website

Do put a mailing address? I prefer an actual address and not a PO box. When leaving your email, leave your best email to reach you. People still use fax numbers (most are formatted for emails). So, who are you? What do you do? Most important, why the heck would someone want to work with you?

Leave the full title if possible, and not some acronym. For example, C.F.P could mean "certified fitness professional" or "certified financial planner"

Your email signature can easily bring referrals to you. You see, I'm an Send Out Cards rep. I help people get connected more through physical cards and postcard, video greeting cards.

My signature includes: "Try out my card system for free, it's on me. the price is right... it's free!" I get others to try my system or have others send my link to others.

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